What is the Human Condition?

Who knows what these bugs are? But they are doing what they were made to do. Glorious lust, but short-lived. Bugs mate when the opportunity arises. Humans sometimes have a little more choice about it. But we are still driven by many natural and social conditions to want to mate.

Never confuse the human condition for human nature. The first is real, the second mostly used as an excuse for personal failings, of self and others.

The human condition is a consequence of the evolution of consciousness. The pain associated with it results from conflicts between the necessity of providing for the body and the higher ethics we’ve developed to make life bearable. Modernity has brought with it ever greater conflicts due to our membership in complex, nested and overlapping sub-groups. These include family, neighbors, residents of our town, village, city, etc., fellow citizens and other residents of our nation, other nations around the world, professional societies, clubs, and more.

So-called “human nature” is a distorted epi-phenomenon arising from the sequence of difficulties that the powerful have created and manipulated for their own gain.

Humanity has not yet figured out exactly what real human nature is, but surely there is a strong component of co-operation and helpfulness.

Without that, we would not have thrived as much as we have.

Merwegon the Great

Love and The Chakras

Love is an emotion.

Love, at one level, is an evolved and amplified version of the simple light (good) – dark (bad) sensory – will (desire) couple that was gifted or developed (depending on your worldview) by the earliest eukaryotic lifeforms.

Merwegon the Wise

Say Whaaaat???

What the heck did that mean????

All lifeforms, if they / we are to survive and have a chance at thriving, must have a link between the necessities and some form of pleasure. (We have to enjoy eating, for example, at least when we are justifiably hungry.)

Even if you are a Christian Fundamentalist Bible Thumper who has the literal version of the 6 day creation story etched in your DNA, you must admit, sticking with your love of Truth, that God re-used the blueprints for the earlier lifeforms again and again, with small tweaks eventually adding up to big changes.

As life forms evolved, more and more complex systems developed within individual species. These complex systems worked to enhance our survivability and thrivability within whatever environment we found ourselves.

The complex systems likewise developed within the micro-environment of its “bag of skin.” That means that sensory input systems interacted with developing hormonal, nutrition assimilation, procreation, etc. systems, to allow the emergence of more and more adaptable life forms.

In other words, life was able to leave the seas, and took over the land and atmosphere as well.

Merwegon the Wise

All of this change has been driven by the precursor of the complex spectrum of attraction emotions we call love. Thus, the Hindu sages who systematized the Chakra system rightfully chose the heart and love as the center of the Kundalini Serpent, which represents the Chakra System

So How Do All The Rest of the Chakras Work to Support the Central or Original Chakra?

Love, or attraction, as we have already noted, must be linked with pleasure so that will (desire) works for survival, thrival, and procreation (reproduction of the life form).

Love, central Chakra 4, thus exists for the primary purpose of survival, Chakra 1. Chakra 4 is thus, at one level, an upgraded, automated, empowered and empowering system that overall enhances chances of survival.

When the lifeform is complex, and it evolves the ability to adapt to multiple environments, the responses to various situations must allow for different branches of a decision tree to be followed.

Merwegon The Wise

If the individual moves to a different physical or cultural environment, different responses may be called for in nominally similar circumstances.

Hence, Chakra 5, associated with the intellect!

In humans, greater intellects can hold, compare and contrast a greater number of simultaneous inputs. The procreating individual or couple, or in the case of some fungi, trinity, who uses their intellect (maybe we should specify consciousness) wisely will do better in life!

But, without a will, Chakra 3, to overcome obstacles, the entity might give up and die.

When all is going well, the procreating entity will successfully produce new copies of its species, or perhaps be the male bird that fertilized the female bird who laid the egg of the first domestic chicken. (See Neil DeGrass Tyson on which came first, the chicken or the egg….), with or without the direct micro-management of God. Hence, Chakra 2, sexuality and reproduction, is inevitably linked with survival (#1 below) and will (or desire, #3 above) supported by, or more accurately, in a self-reinforcing feedback loop with Chakras 4 (love) and 5 (intellect).

Now Chakras 6 and 7? That’s another story!

Choose Confidence over Humility

We act humble when those motivated by lower chakra energy impose their will on us. Usually, the imposers work categorically NOT for our own true good. Our own true good comes when we experience the consequences of our own decisions, and can thereby learn from them. In order to do this, we must work to overcome the “humility programming” we are given. How else may we remove the obstacles to confidence? I can find no other way to take the bushel out of the way of my shining light.

Embracing confidence over humility allows us to store up our treasures in heaven. Treasures of a spiritual nature (social capital) are no easier to earn (and maybe harder to earn) than financial treasures. But the interest accumulates automatically. We don’t have to waste our time seeking out the best 401k.

This little piece was written in E Prime. It avoids use of forms of the verb “to be.” Humility does not serve as the opposite of arrogance. Rather confidence does so. Confidence is deserved when earned through study, practice, or experience!

Don’t try too hard to understand. Just listen and enjoy the artwork. The audio is a different version that is not E-prime. I had missed 5 ises.

Pandora contemplating the now empty box.
Pandora’s Box Courtesy National Gallery of Art (USA)

Tarot Koans


You may see the classical images for the Rider Waite deck at Wikipedia. Scroll down to Major Arcana. Arcana means secrets. The major arcana are meant to represent the entire human experience in an abbreviated, symbolic way.

Story Number 1: The Magician
After the thought, manifestation.

Story Number 2: The High Priestess
Before the thought, knowledge.

Story Number 3: The Empress
She glowed.
The fields flowered wherever she walked.
Bringing fruit out of season.

Story Number 4: The Emperor
His authority radiated from every pore.
He no longer required the uniform.

Story Number 5: The Heirophant
The attention rejuvenated his soul.
His sister had claimed it was his ego, but he knew better.
The eyes had followed his every move.
But now, he was tired of it all.
Performing the same rituals day after day.
Only the thoughtless cared.

Story Number 6: The Lovers
Loving lovers loved lengthily.
Do you remember?
Always remember.

Story Number 7: The Chariot
Your chariot awaits.
The work you have done has its own reward.
Enjoy the ride.

Story Number 8: Strength
The Goddess radiated light.
The lion lay down in submission.
Truth and goodness flood the thought field.
Justice has become mercy.

Story Number 9: The Hermit
The old woman closed the door of her house behind her, and latched it.
Her cloak fastened at the neck, she headed up the mountain, holding nothing but a lantern.
She would go up as far as she could. She knew how to put one foot in front of the other. She knew how to struggle toward the heavens. She had done it all of her life.
There, she would breathe her last. Her knees would never let her return to lower earth, and that was just fine with her.

Story Number 10: The Wheel of Fortune
The monkey raced around the mulberry bush.
So did the weasel.
Which was chasing which?

Story Number 11: Justice
Jane bowed her head. Justice was slow in coming. Very slow.
A thousand times now, the sun had risen and set.
Jane lifted her head. Now she understood.

Story Number 12: The Hanged Man
Everything is upside down now.
The hummingbird has consumed the eagle. Ganesh rides a mouse.
Mist obscures the ground,
above the hard black bowl of the sky.

Story Number 13: Death
Ring around the rosie,
pocket full of posie.
Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.

Story Number 14: Temperance
Silver wings fluttering in the breeze,
the angel plodded on,
toward the approaching dawn.

Story Number 15: The Devil
The image stared back at him
from the depths of the blackness.
The sin looked out at the sinner.

Story Number 16: The Tower
Ground shaking, tower leaning.
Maybe this was not such a good idea.
We’d better jump now.

Story Number 17: The Star
She dipped her big right toe in
the river of time, while chewing
a blade of grass.

Story Number 18: The Moon
Over and over and over again, they had endured the
reign of terror.
Once, the wings of mercy had shielded them.
What goes around comes around.
The moon waxes and wanes.

Story Number 19: The Sun
Bright shining as the sun, the child’s smile.
Crickets start to chirp in the heat.

Story Number 20: Judgement
Dem bones gonna rise again, Ezekiel eventually proclaimed.
But is that really what you want?
The streets of heaven are paved with gold.
The alchemists’ stuff, not the end result of
two neutron stars colliding in
far away galaxies.

Story Number 21: The World
No longer at my fingertips.
Where are my fingertips?
Who am I?
What is I?
Boundaries dissolve.
The world is.
Isness is.

A Story: The Master
I watch the lord comb the lady’s hair.
The rest is untold.

Story Number Zero: The Fool
Innocence and isness
make no claims.

I hope you liked these little poetic reflections. If you have an artistic bent, and would like to collaborate on illustrations, please let me know by the comment feature.

All Beauties

The bright yellow cover of Figuring, the newly published muse on truth, beauty, and the importance of the feminine contribution to its fuller expression in human affairs, by Maria Popova, shocked my visual cortex on its exit from its protective shipping carton.

The cover itself exemplifies no obvious aesthetic beauty to my eye. The contents however do exemplify the value of the old saying “Judge not the book by its cover.”

One of the most outstanding quotes from the founding author of Brainpickings.org leapt off of the page into my mind.

Popova quotes Elizabeth Barrett Browning in her preface to her translation of Prometheus Bound. A distillation of fruitful contemplation, I experience her words as a Bohrian mirror to channeled wisdom from my fictional Wise Woman, Merwegon.

Browning wrote :

All beauties, whether in nature or art, in physics or morals, in composition or abstract reasoning, are multiplied reflections, visible in different distances under different positions, of one archetypal beauty.

Here, I resonate with Browning’s use of the word “reflections” to show us the importance of symmetry in our human perception of beauty. While a little bit of randomness adds a touch of spice to life, not many of us enjoy having the foundations of our physical worlds reduced to a pile of asymmetric rubble. Strong asymmetry between the effort of building versus that of destruction assures perpetuation of our current preference.

Here’s Merwegon.

And here’s what I mean by “Bohrian mirror”

That all said, beauty appears in different guises. The feature image above documents the appearance of a downed, rotting tree trunk at the entrance to my “back twenty.”

The Smallest of Details

Japanese Beetle Breathing Pore Scanning Electron Microscope Image – Original magnification 1640x

Beautiful Shadow Patterns in Leaf Canopy on the Way to Tahquamenon Falls, in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

It is in the description of both the great, and the invisible, the ends of the spectrum of knowable size, that the truest model of the physical world may be constructed.

It is when you can see that the shapes of the clouds are repeated in the ripples of the surface of a lake, as well as the layers in a sedimentary rock, that you are seeing the condensed layers of the structure of reality.

It is seeing The Face in the clouds, as well as in the outline left in a leaf damaged by the Morger Beetle, that you are seeing the epistemological layers of the structure of reality.

When you walk in nature, are you hoping to see the Shapwell Alkon? Then you are likely to be disappointed. When you walk in nature and notice the interplay of sharp and rounded, smooth and rough, light and shadow, sparkling and black, red and green, near and far, then you will be storing riches, and weaving yourself into the mystical layers of the structure of reality.

When you can see that the smallest of details are not necessarily small at all, then will you truly see.

Then will you truly see.

For the Sake of Lust

Hard shell left behind by a cicada. Eyes look like snake “leather.”

My latest creative work… Prompt was “feathery and/or leathery”

Feathery body
Lifts itself from danger’s way.
Wistful eyes follow.
Rocks and arrows
Bounce off leathery body.
Jealous eyes follow.
Quills protrude, thorns prick.
Stinger threatens, shell surrounds.
Electric eels stun.
We silly humans
Left those protections aside
For the sake of lust.
Shona Moonbeam
June 28, 2018

Who knows what these bugs are? But they are doing what they were made to do. Glorious lust, but short-lived.

Direction: Zero to Sixty

Scott’s Daily Prompt: Direction

Direction is from ZERO TO SIXTY!!!!!

Dave at Sozo’s made this special design for me this morning.

Mid-Michigan Word Gatherer’s Prompt: Phony!

Our group facilitator said I should call the original version (lost in cyber-space) SIXTY. So I did.


Phony. Phony-ness. A wide-spread modern art-form.

Most humans project a protective image of themselves that reflects, as closely as their sub-conscious minds can, the idealized person of the culture in which they are embedded. The real person hides from the world, hides even from its own ego.

This is a distortion of our essence.

An ancient person was smart enough to keep their given name secret, to protect from the possibility of its use by antagonistic forces. This is legitimate camouflage, not phony-ness.

Early humans even learned to deceive by using the whites of their eyes to point others away from the tree with the ripe fruits, the precursor to the outright lie. But again, there is deception and there is deception. This type of deception was a natural outgrowth of our participation in the food-chain.

Development of complex language allowed humans to flourish numerically, multiplying varieties of adaptation and culture. Words power, and magic forms, the foundation of our high level ability to deceive and confuse, when we choose not to inform. Words, and the tones we use to utter them, underpin the modern phenomenon of phony-ness.

Ancient and pre-historic people couldn’t be phony. They could hide. As already noted, they needed to use camouflage and deception like most of their fellow complex animal life forms. But they weren’t phony. It never occurred to them to try to appear as something they weren’t to their tribal fellows, even as they were trapped in their roles within their community.

What’s the bottom line here? We serve ourselves when discerning between necessary deceit of the outsider, and trying to fool our nearest neighbors and kin.

Only modern people have the opportunity to be phony in this damaging way. It’s one of the curses of the modern world, stemming from the multiple groups which claim the allegiance of any modern person.

Phony people hide their true selves under layers of mirage. Or at least they try to. Programmed, from the day we are born, to take on the values of our cultural milieu, whether it fits with our particular karmic baggage, genetic predispositions, and family history, or not, we mostly do not even know our own true selves.

Partake of Life!

Wil Stewart

Partake of Life!

Don’t be too timid!

That’s the problem with raising kids.

In order to keep the most boisterous, least thoughtful, greatest risk takers, and those with no depth of character, from destroying their own lives, and those of others in their environment, kids are conditioned to think of others first, not be selfish, etc.

But then the mild, shy, timid, thoughtful, risk adverse, end up being afraid to speak up for themselves, afraid to love and appreciate themselves, and can’t understand that if you are not loving and kind toward yourself, all attempts to be truly kind to others will fail.

This is a sad fact of life.

So remember, all of us have been conditioned by society to prevent the worst acts from the most barbarous 10%, and now that we’re adults, we should do our best to throw off the disguise and become ourselves. As Nietzsche/ Zarathushtra/ Osho /Merwegon said:

The lion must throw off the sheep skin.

Partake, partake of all the flavors of life.

WordPress Daily Prompt: Partake






Nothing is wasted

Mid-Michigan Word Gatherers Prompt

Nothing is wasted. How could it be? We must realize how much effort is required to make the simplest of objects. To manufacture a paper towel for example, requires at least ten, and up to 25 times its weight in water. And that’s supposedly for a modern, efficient paper towel plant. To some, that might seem like waste. The five gallons of water used to make that paper towel. But another way to look at it could be that we are taking humanity that much faster down the path of crisis point. That much sooner to our doom and redemption. That much sooner to the moment when we have no clean water to sustain the vast majority of currently existing communities. That much sooner to the moment when humanity is forced to evolve into a new being. If everyone could visit a paper towel factory, and see the tons of water used, they might have a better understanding of reality. But that’s one thing our current society is doing everything to avoid.

We see CG images on TV and fail to remind ourselves that it’s a layer away from reality. We hide death, and anything that might be related to death. We don’t want to know. And without death, life can’t be complete. Can’t be three dimensional. Can’t be four dimensional. Can’t be real.

It’s the background noise, waste, if you will, that allows the portion of reality that we think is the whole thing, to emerge. It’s the background waste that is the fabric from which the reality we inhabit is formed.