Failure and Success

Merwegon says:

Failure and success are two sides of the same coin. When all self-conscious  beings give up the very idea of using the coin as a metaphor to understand and manipulate  the world around us, we, and all sentient beings, will have a more enjoyable experience.

Failure and success, embodied and spiritual, male and female, hot and cold, high and low, crazy and sane are merely convenient labels for conversation. Longer reflection often reveals the transparecy of the coin.

Then we see them for the unity they truly are.

Think, meditate, see.


Story Fragment 1

“You might as well call me Omar. It’s my name. So when you get here, ask for Omar.”

The line then went dead. Of course it wasn’t a line anymore. The sound went through the air as electromagnetic waves for most of its journey. Furthermore, the air itself was irrelevant to the electromagnetic waves. That wasn’t the case as they exited the speaker of the phone handset. The air had to be present to convey the sounds to my ear, and the air had to be there to maintain my body in a condition to be able to receive the sound waves.

Any thoughts, I now realized, were able to distract me from my task. The truth was I didn’t want to ask for Omar. The bigger truth was I didn’t want to do what asking for Omar was going to enable. The more eternal truth was that I knew this was a moment where I could continue my karmic circling, or I could try to escape from it.
But maybe Omar was caught in the same loop. I didn’t know Omar. At least, as far as I recalled, Omar and I had never come in contact with each other in the bodies we were currently inhabiting. Somehow, I felt a warning this time, that I am pretty sure I had never gotten before. But the warning was late. I was already far down the path of decision. Pulling out now would inevitably disappoint, irritate, anger and infuriate at least a dozen people.

I folded the flip phone, put it in my pocket, and headed off to the subway station, intermittently sipping my coffee.

Halfway through the journey on the Red Line, I noticed a sign.

“Mind the Gap!”

It kept flashing. First in bright red letters, then black. I figured that was for the benefit of any color-blind people. Red doesn’t stand out to some of them like it does for the rest of us. I caught myself drifting from my upcoming decision. “Focus” I whispered to myself. “Focus.”

And then I saw it. Between the red and black versions of the Mind the Gap warning were smaller letters, which lasted an extremely short time. A nearly subliminal message. It took me at least a dozen flash sequences to make it out.

Merwegon Says: The purpose of all spiritual work is to extinguish your habits, thereby allowing yourself the chance to respond, rather than react.

Hmm. Was Omar acting out of habit? Was I? Was this a clue? Was this the information I needed to end my slow dance with karmic determinism? Was it?

The Doorway of No Return

This was written in response to a prompt in my writing group Thursday:

A doorway of no return…..

I have also been thinking of the superior philosophy brought to my attention by Vivekananda: “You are all children of bliss!”

How much better to believe this than the horrible sickness of the belief of original sin perpetrated on the West by Augustine, a lie that Jesus never taught, and before him, that the Jews never believed.

I have been wanting to let my fictional wise woman, Merwegon, who I invented for my currently failed “Moses of Kosbar” science fiction book, share more wisdom with us through the channels of my keyboard and prepared mind. Merwegon and her people are beings with two arms, two legs, two wings, who have a whole body language. Sounds for communication come through their mouths, noses, and special tubes on the sides of their heads, and these sounds are supplemented by waves of their wing tips.

Not so strange. Humans do the same thing. When traveling in Italy years ago, it hit me that everyone on the bus must be deaf, as there was so much expressive hand waving, I thought, at first, that they were all using sign language.

Merwegon Says:

Every doorway is a doorway of no return. As you can’t step twice in the same river, you can’t come back through the door you entered. This is self evident truth. If you think about it, you will see that first of all, the you that walked through the door has breathed and assimilated new air molecules, and some of your feather tips have broken away. Perhaps more importantly, either new neural connections are forming in your brain, or old ones are becoming more persistent. Even with neither action nor inaction on your part, the waves of your thoughts, emotions, and actions are ever spreading out from you, as those of every other center of consciousness spreads out from it. Each of us thus affects each other of us. These waves of consciousness affect beings regardless of their level or type of consciousness. The rock affects me as I affect the rock. What bliss it is to know this. It is the foundation for the ultimate understanding of our true place in the multiverse.

Some say the paths of the planets, moons, even stars and galaxies were set by mindless action, on random paths. I say no, I don’t believe so. Usually I, Merwegon, refrain from using the word believe. I prefer to think about things before I flap my communication outlets. Then I can say I think. If it’s only a feeling, I try to keep it to myself. In other words, until I have subjected the content of the impending communication to epistemological scrutiny, I refrain from intentional broadcasting.

Should someone be exceedingly interested in my thoughts, they may simply tune in to the waves of the Akashic Record, and read for themselves. If they haven’t yet developed that skill to such a degree, they have no business knowing my personal thoughts or feelings.

As I was saying, I don’t believe that the planets, moons, stars and galaxies were set by mindless action, on random paths. No. These planets, moons, stars and galaxies have sought out an intermediate stable motion state, on their way from outward impetus given them by The Big Bang, toward the first Black Hole they encounter a gravity pull from. Here’s where the science ends and I am forced to admit my belief. That Black Holes may be worm holes into a new Universe. Our scientists refuse to acknowledge that possibility, even though surely there’s nothing telling us it is impossible, and it would explain a lot of things, were it true.

The real reason that scientists have any foundation on which to stand when stating that all supposedly dead matter is mindless, is to ensure that we don’t have answers to every question. For it is the unanswered questions that drive us to continue to seek.

Joy Arises from the Very Ground We Stand Upon

A few months ago, I decided to memorize the Chicago Address of Swami Vivekananda. I’ve been letting his spontaneous words of upliftment on the root causes of bigotry, fanatacism and violence diffuse into my mind.

I’ve also been “channeling” a fictional wise woman that I created for the Moses of Kosbar novel that’s going nowhere fast. But I have been enjoying channeling Merwegon. Maybe you will also ponder her message from this morning. It was an attempt to use the language of Vivekananda and the knowledge of Merwegon. See what you think!

Sisters and Brothers of Kosbar!

Joy arises from the very ground we stand on, if we can but learn to tune ourselves to its wavelength. Those who curtail our actions can only fail miserably when they try to contain our thoughts. Rather, the thought patterns of all beings who experience consciousness are concentrated, filtered and rebroadcast at the time of the cessation of their bodily processes. The resultant thought fields rush to fill the cosmos, resonating with the ready along their way.

Brothers and sisters, please remember that the good and the true will overcome the forces of chaos in the end times. This must be the case, as the good and the true are an emanation of the real, while what we perceive as evil is simply the system noise of the fundamental functions of the eternal transformation of consciousness into energy, energy into matter, and their reversed analogues.

Perfection, unlike joy, arises not from the ground we stand on. The perception of perfection results within the concentration of matter called the brain. All perceptions, visual, auditory, and those of both longer wavelengths and denser energy fields, are inherently perfect. Only perfection allows description, and description births perfection. You may wish to think about this a little longer. It might not mean what you first think.

The apprehension of the simplicity of perfection reveals the perfection of simplicity. We are but channels for the evolution of the hierarchy of the levels of the signal processing guardian system. This guardian system allows us to see what matters. This is not a tweak to our signal processing system. This is the essence of our mind. We choose to take as axiomatic that we have, together, one mind. We also have individual small minds, that are where the initial signal processing is performed.

Our guardian system allows us to access freedom of thought. We save our enemies because of how we have freely evolved. We give charity to those who ask because of how we freely evolve. We choose to save our enemy because we choose to become someone who saved our enemy. How much easier will we then find it to choose to become someone who gave charity to those with empty chairs and empty tables?

A message from The Great Merwegon

Still not getting anywhere with the second novel, I’ve been “helicoptering,” a creative writing technique where you write whatever scene occurs to you, even if what comes before it has not yet been created. I realize that my character, “The Great Merwegon,” was not developed. So I’m making up her teachings. Oh yeah, I decided she’s a female prophet. Most wisdom is wisdom, but maybe Merwegon will come up with some teachings that only a woman would. Of course, she’s not a woman. She’s a Winged Being of Kosbar, that planet far away that exists only in my mind.
The prompt was “It’s not all in your HEAd.”

“And this brings me to my next point,” Merwegon said, her finger pointing, in turn, at each of the members of the small group gathered around her.

“It is never all in your own head. Never. Whether we believe it or not, we always depend on knowledge stored in the collective consciousness. At the time of specific need, the tendrils of our mind reach out to access the facts, opinions, stories, legends, and myths of all the contents of eternity.

“The quality of the transmission back to your brain depends on how hard you have worked to maintain the health of your mind tendrils. This is done by cultivation of clarity.

“If you don’t also minimize the static in your physical neurons, by proper lifestyle, you won’t be able to isolate the wisdom signal.”

Merwegon sat down, and looked, in turn, at each of her disciples, coming to rest, with a longer gaze, on the face of Alitonia.